Why now is a good time to invest

Time and discipline may be your greatest allies when investing. Just like an acorn needs time to grow into an oak tree, your money needs time to grow. The sooner you start investing, the more time your money has to grow, and the easier it is to accumulate wealth.

 Chart showing today vs waiting 3 years
Source: Morningstar Direct, Edward Jones. Annual returns of the S&P/TSX Composite Total Returns Index, 1/1/1994 – 12/31/2023. Past performance does not guarantee future results. These calculations do not include any commissions or transaction fees that an investor may have in curred. If these feese were included, it would have a negative impact on the return.

Consider a 35-year old who wants to retire at 65. Assuming they received the S&P/TSX Composite Total Return Index rate of return, the benefit of starting today versus waiting three years is significant. Based on a $10,000 annual investment, the cost of waiting just three years is over $200,000. Time is a valuable commodity. That’s why we recommend that you get started early and invest when you have the money available.

How we can help

Talk to your Edward Jones advisor about starting today.

Important information:

Past performance does not guarantee future results.